Our hotel is a splendid structure built around a 17th-century Spanish watchtower. The complex offers breathtaking sea views from its incomparable position 100 meters above sea level. You can enjoy panoramic vistas encompassing the island of Giglio, just 6 miles away, Giannutri, and on clear days, the other Tuscan Archipelago islands. Torre di Cala Piccola is a scattered hotel complex nestled amidst charming paths, gardens, and cliffside stairways. Our 51 finely furnished rooms boast stunning sea views.
Our restaurant, "La Torre D'Argento" offers exquisite seafood and land-based dishes. Each dish is created with high quality raw materials, combined according to detailed research into their characteristics, their history and with the aim of satisfying the sight, smell and taste of our customers. Every single product, from pasta to desserts, is carefully prepared by our Chef.
The freshwater infinity pool, perched on the cliffside, offers a breathtaking panorama that creates the illusion of swimming in the sea. This unparalleled view is the perfect place to soak up the beauty of the surroundings. Sipping an aperitif in this special context becomes an indelible memory and for photography lovers... shots not to be missed.
Umbrellas and sunbeds are provided. The La Torre lounge bar, created inside the Spanish tower, with tables and chairs also on the lawn, is a sophisticated place where you can enjoy a good coffee or a drink during the day. Our menu offers a wide choice of drinks, snacks, liqueurs and cocktails and a special selection of chocolate, tea and herbal teas. Before lunch or in the evening, the garden adjacent to the structure becomes the perfect corner for an unforgettable and romantic aperitif, especially at sunset.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesAccess by private carsElevatorHeliportPark or gardenInternet serviceAccepting groupsPrivate beachStation customer transportationWi-Fi
room_serviceReceptionCredit cardSafekeeping of valuables at the reception desk
restaurantCateringRestaurantCafé serviceIn-room breakfast service
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerSafeMinibarHeatingIn-room telephoneTV in the room
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
workBusiness and MiceSound systemLighting systemVideo systemProjectorMeeting roomConference service
hikingWalksLunch packet
laptop_macServices for workingWork areasProjectorPrinterBroadband Wi-Fi
order_approveManifesti di prodottoLGBTQ+ friendlySustainable Tuscany
petsPet friendly