You will be surprised by the simple elegance and intimate atmosphere when you visit this aristocratic 17th century manor house which has been lovingly transformed into a luxury resort by the Tognetti family in November 2017.
Castello di Pontebosio is steeped in history and a local landmark that takes its name from the nearby low arched bridge.
The castle now retains its pride and place as the grand landmark that it deserves to be and welcomes visitors from around the world with open arms.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesDisabled accessibilityAccess by public transportationAccess by private carsDiscoHeliportWi-Fi
room_serviceReceptionDebit cardCredit cardSafekeeping of valuables at the reception desk24-hour receptionConcierge service
restaurantCateringLocal cuisineMenus for special diets (upon request)Menus for food intolerancesRestaurantBreakfast roomCafé serviceIn-room breakfast serviceUse of local products
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerKettle/coffee machineSafeMinibarSoundproofingHeatingIn-room telephoneTV in the room
local_parkingParkingParkingOn-street parking
translateLanguages spokenFrenchEnglishItalianSpanishGerman
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
celebrationActivitiesTastingDay hikes on the trailsBoat tourHorseback riding trailsFood and wine toursBike/mountain bike toursTrekkingGuided tours
family_restroomServices for familiesPediatric care (upon request)Spacious roomsCribs and beds with side railsBabysitting service
accessiblePeople with special needs (accessibility)In wheelchairFood intolerancesSenior
self_improvementWellnessHammamWhirlpoolHydrotherapyMassagesSaunaSolariumSpaRelaxation rooms
workBusiness and MiceExhibition areaSound systemVideo systemMeeting roomConference service
directions_bikeBike servicesEnergy bars and packet lunches availableDedicated breakfast and menu for cyclistsLaundry 24-hourMaps and information on routes in the areaSafe shelter for bikesDrying serviceLuggage transport
laptop_macServices for workingScannerPrinterPrivate work spacesBroadband Wi-Fi
ecoVacanze sostenibiliWater purificationSeparate collection of wasteUse of short supply chain products in the kitchenUse of low energy lighting
petsPet friendly