in San Gimignano
Hotel Casolare Le Terre Rosse is only five minutes away from San Gimignano and is surrounded by a beautiful park.
Thanks to the Niccolini family, this typical countryside house, tucked away in nature, was turned into a gem of Tuscan hospitality. At Hotel Casolare Le Terre Rosse in San Gimignano you will experience a unique, warm and cosy atmosphere and will have the chance to live close to nature while enjoying the food and culture of this incomparable land.
Relax in the bright rooms of our hotel or in the elegant country-style apartments, enjoy the Tuscan countryside while having breakfast, and the infinity pool overlooking San Gimignano hills, to restore your energy after a day trip.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesDisabled accessibilityAccess by private carsElevatorDiscoLaundry washing machinesPark or gardenWi-Fi
room_serviceReceptionDebit cardCredit card
restaurantCateringRestaurantCafé service
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerSafeHeating
translateLanguages spokenEnglishItalian
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
family_restroomServices for familiesGames for children
accessiblePeople with special needs (accessibility)In wheelchairFood intolerances
directions_bikeBike servicesBike washing areaAffiliated bike shopCycle workshopMaps and information on routes in the areaSafe shelter for bikes
directions_bikeBike: E-bikeMTB rentalCharging pointGuided E-bike tours
hikingWalksLaundry and clothes dryingShuttle service
ecoVacanze sostenibiliWater purificationSeparate collection of wasteElectric charging station for carsPromotion of saving water and energy resourcesUse of low energy lightingUse of solar panels for hot water
petsPet friendly