in Monteriggioni
The hotel is a jewel which emerges in its splendour from two acres of surrounding parkland. With only 50 rooms of which 16 Junior Suites, its character is superior first-class. Beyond their beautiful furnishings all the rooms come with air conditioning, satellite TV, SKY, Wireless, mini-bar and a private safe. The services include a bar, room service, a beauty centre,fitness room, sauna,Jacuzzi,Steam Bath and parking.
3 meeting rooms, 2 Restaurants. All the available advanced and sophisticated services are perfectly blended into the antique style of the building. The swimming pool features at one and ten individual Jacuzzis.
To complete this special ground-floor construction, there is a stunning view of the nearby Castle of Monteriggioni, a favoured destination only one kilometre away.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesWi-FiStation customer transportationAccepting groupsInternet servicePark or gardenLaundry washing and ironingElevatorAccess by private carsDisabled accessibility
room_serviceReceptionFax serviceSafekeeping of valuables at the reception deskCredit card
restaurantCateringIn-room breakfast serviceCafé serviceRestaurant
bedRoomsIn-room telephoneHeatingMinibarSafeHair dryerAir conditioner
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming poolMountain bikeFitness/Health Center
celebrationActivitiesGuided toursTrekkingTasting
family_restroomServices for familiesBabysitting service
workBusiness and MiceConference serviceMeeting room
petsPet friendly