Holiday homes
in Uzzano
Il Borgo degli Agrumi is optimally located less than an hour from several of the most significant cultural and historic cities in Tuscany like Florence, Siena, Lucca , Pisa, Arezzo, Bolgheri, Chiantishire and le Cinque Terre.
Built in 16th century, Il Borgo degli Agrumi was lovingly restored in 2014 and boasts a wide range of ammenities. The apartments, with independent access, includes spacious living rooms, large and modern kitchens, masters suites with double bed, guest rooms with single bed, and a separate bathroom with private shower. Guests will enjoy picturesque views of the valley from all sides of the building.
We hope to have you as our guest
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesWi-FiStation customer transportationAccepting groupsPark or gardenLaundry washing machinesLaundry washing and ironingHeliportElevatorAccess by private cars
room_serviceReceptionCredit card
bedRoomsHeatingHair dryer
celebrationActivitiesGuided toursTrekkingTasting
family_restroomServices for familiesBabysitting service
petsPet friendly