The Borgo di Villa Cellaia, nestled in the Mugello hills, offers a unique experience for those seeking relaxation and culture in Tuscany. The complex is the result of the renovation of an ancient hamlet dating back to the 1700s and includes the main villa, farmhouses, barn and noble chapel, all surrounded by centuries-old cypress and olive trees. Guests can enjoy apartments with modern amenities, with access to a saltwater swimming pool and a wellness center that includes jacuzzi, sauna , steam baths and relaxation area.
Villa Cellaia not only offers a relaxing stay, but is also committed to sustainable tourism. It uses renewable energy, has installed a photovoltaic system, and promotes the use of local zero-mile products. Visitors are invited to explore local culture through maps, publications, and participation in cultural and recreational events.
Florence is easily reached by car or train. Villa Cellaia also offers hiking and biking opportunities, ideal for discovering the natural beauty of the area; Giotto's birthplace is 7 km away, the entrance to the Casentino Forest Park is 20 minutes away by car.
With a strong commitment to sustainability and guest well-being, Il Borgo di Villa Cellaia is an excellent choice for an escape from the city or a special celebration in a setting rich in history and nature.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesAccepting groupsLocale tvWi-Fi
room_serviceReceptionDebit cardCredit cardSafekeeping of valuables at the reception desk
restaurantCateringBarbequeLocal cuisineCoffee machineRestaurantBreakfast roomCafé service
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerKettle/coffee machineHypoallergenic roomsSafeHeatingIn-room telephoneTV in the room
translateLanguages spokenFrenchEnglish
sports_basketballSportFitness/Health CenterMountain bike
celebrationActivitiesCooking classes
family_restroomServices for familiesCribs and beds with side rails
accessiblePeople with special needs (accessibility)In wheelchair
directions_bikeBike servicesAffiliated bike shopGPS devices availableMaps and information on routes in the area
directions_bikeBike: E-bikeDownloadable trails and/or on rental GPS deviceMTB rentalCharging point
directions_bikeBike: Mountain bikeDownloadable trails and/or on rental GPS deviceMTB rentalFacility in the vicinity of marked MTB trails
laptop_macServices for workingBroadband Wi-Fi
ecoVacanze sostenibiliWater purificationSeparate collection of wasteBuilding equipped with systems for thermal insulationNei bagni utilizza saponi ecologiciUse of short supply chain products in the kitchenElectric charging station for carsPromotion of saving water and energy resourcesUse of energy produced from renewable sourcesUse of low energy lightingUse of solar panels for hot waterUse of organic cleaning products
petsPet friendly