in Bucine
Il Verreno is situated above the town of Ambra (Arezzo) in the southern Chianti area. It is a Tuscan retreat with the relaxed atmosphere of a country house but with hotel style service.
Cucina Donnaluisa is our restaurant run by Marialuisa Lovari, who led the team that won the prestigious Campionati Della Cucina Italiana 2017.
Il Verreno Resort is suitable for weddings, parties, retreats and holidays. There is accommodation for up to forty people in twenty bedrooms, suites and apartments.
All round panoramic views and an ancient oak forest that borders the property offer the best of the southern Chianti countryside. And just a short walk down the hill, typical Italian life can be sampled in the small town of Ambra.
Siena, Florence, Montalcino, Cortona, Assisi, San Gimignano and Arezzo are just some of the must-see places within easy reach.
When we started renovating Il Verreno our inspiration came from sources associated with the area: Tuscan colours, Etruscan art and local rural architecture to name a few.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesWi-FiInternet servicePark or gardenTV roomElevatorAccess by private cars
room_serviceReceptionCredit card
restaurantCateringRestaurantCommon use kitchen
bedRoomsHeatingHair dryerAir conditioner
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming poolFitness/Health Center
family_restroomServices for familiesGames for children
workBusiness and MiceMeeting room
petsPet friendly