in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana
The hotel and its rustic architecture, perfectly integrated in the surrounding rural environment, is located in a quiet and intimate area few minutes from Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (277 meters on the sea level), the chief town of this valley, which is a lively commercial center.
Since your arrival in the hotel, you’ll receive a great welcome and all attentions you need to start your staying in the best way. All our staff will greet you kindness and professionalism, moreover our concierge will be able to give you any information and tips you will need to know about excursions and places to visit.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesDiscoElevatorAccess by private carsPark or gardenInternet serviceStation customer transportationWi-FiDisabled accessibility
room_serviceReceptionCredit cardSafekeeping of valuables at the reception desk
restaurantCateringRestaurantCafé serviceIn-room breakfast service
bedRoomsHair dryerAir conditionerHeatingIn-room telephone
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
celebrationActivitiesTrekkingGuided tours
family_restroomServices for familiesGames for children
workBusiness and MiceMeeting room
petsPet friendly