Bed & Breakfast
in Massarosa
Quiet family-run bed and breakfast, surrounded by a quiet garden: what makes it unique? Art and relaxation. Rooms are tastefully furnished, dedicated to different artists who decorate them every year in a different way.
Everything is organized to give the maximum privacy and comfort. The outdoor area is enriched by a covered heated Jacuzzi and a solarium area. Indoor parking available. The structure is just a few kilometers from beaches of Versilia, Lake Massaciuccoli (Puccini Lake), the rich hinterland dotted with delightful historic centers.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesAccess by private carsPark or gardenAccepting groupsPrivate beachWi-Fi
room_serviceReceptionCredit card
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerHeating
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
self_improvementWellnessWhirlpoolMassagesHeated swimming pool
laptop_macServices for workingPrinter
ecoVacanze sostenibiliAdopt measures to defend and support nature, landscape, and animalsWater purificationSeparate collection of wasteBuilding equipped with systems for thermal insulationPromotion of saving water and energy resourcesRecycling, reusing and saving resourcesUse of energy produced from renewable sourcesUse of low energy lightingUse of solar panels for hot water
order_approveManifesti di prodottoLGBTQ+ friendlySustainable Tuscany
petsPet friendly