in Radicondoli
Villa Le Bolli completely renovated farmhouse immersed in the enchanting Tuscan hilly landscape.
The villa is equipped with all comforts to ensure you have an unforgettable stay. In addition to your well-being, we also care about nature, in fact we use renewable and eco-sustainable energy, in line with the organic production of our lands and the surrounding lands.
The perfect location for weddings, events, retreats, relaxing and experiential stays.
Let yourself be pampered in the magical atmosphere of an ancient farm at the foot of a medieval village, we will make your stay unique; stop to admire the beauties that surround you..
Discover the small town of Radicondoli and its "zero" km products.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesAccess by public transportationAccess by private carsElevatorTV roomLaundry washing machinesPark or gardenAccepting groupsStation customer transportationWi-FiDisabled accessibility
restaurantCateringCommon use kitchenRestaurant
bedRoomsAir conditionerHair dryerHeating
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
celebrationActivitiesEntertainmentTastingTrekkingSale of agri-food productsGuided tours
family_restroomServices for familiesBabysitting service
workBusiness and MiceMeeting room
petsPet friendly