Non-profit holiday homes
in Pisa
The guesthouse The Benedictine - hosted homonymous former convent of Lungarno Sonnino - is an ideal residence for students, researchers and university professors, Italians and foreigners.
Located in the heart of Pisa, a few hundred meters from the central station, from the terminals of public transport and the main offices and academic departments, offers guests a wide range of services designed to meet the needs of both short stays or medium long period. The recently renovated, covers three floors, and inside there are 44 single, single with French bed, double and twin rooms, all equipped with private bathroom, Internet (LAN) and a 32-inch LCD screen and for most of the cooking area.
The service Foresteria is reserved for:
1. Professors and researchers from other Italian and foreign universities;
2. Scholars including visiting professor / scientist;
3. International students enrolled in master's or doctoral programs of the University;
4. Other types of guests but with characteristics similar to those included in the university, training or research.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesAccess by public transportationAccess by private carsElevatorDiscoHeliportLaundry washing and ironingTV roomLaundry washing machinesPark or gardenInternet serviceAccepting groupsStation customer transportationWi-FiDisabled accessibility
room_serviceReceptionDebit cardCredit cardSafekeeping of valuables at the reception deskGuarded storage roomFax service
restaurantCateringCommon use kitchenSelf-service
bedRoomsAir conditionerMinibarHeatingIn-room telephone
celebrationActivitiesGuided tours
workBusiness and MiceMeeting room
petsPet friendly