in Firenze
Riva Lofts Florence is the result of the florentine Archietct Claudio Nardi's creativity, who refurbished skilfully an old farm house dated late IXXth century, that used to be his own house and Archiotecture Studio, with his contemporary but warm and elegant style, to make it a refreshing and pelasant relaxing retreat just outside the city centre.
Alice, his cosmopolitan daughter, runs it with professionality and lightness to make the guests' stay as much comfortable as possible.
Riva Lofts Florence offers 8 Studios, with private entrance, kitchenette, bedroom and wide toilette, and lounge area in some of them, together with all the necessary comforts such as wi-fi, telephone, AC, Tv with cd/dvd player, minibar, hairdryer.
Riva guests can also enjoy beautiful communal areas, either indoor with the spacious living room with modern fireplace and library, or outdoor with the garden, swimming pool and hammocks, that are always open, even out of the reception opening time (8am/8 pm).
Guests can easily get around with the bikes that Riva freely provides, or hopping on the tram, a few meters away from us.
Reception also works as Concierge and is happy to help reserving extra services.
Prices include
hotel_classGeneral servicesPark or gardenLaundry washing and ironingElevatorAccepting groupsAccess by private carsAccess by public transportationWi-FiDisabled accessibility
room_serviceReceptionCredit cardDebit cardFax service
restaurantCateringIn-room breakfast service
bedRoomsHeatingMinibarSafeHair dryerAir conditionerIn-room telephone
sports_basketballSportOutdoor swimming pool
celebrationActivitiesGuided tours
family_restroomServices for familiesBabysitting service
workBusiness and MiceMeeting room
petsPet friendly