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Abbey of St. Andrea al Pozzo

Places of worship

An abbey dating back to the 12th century dedicated to the patron saint of fishermen

Mentioned as early as the year 1114, the Abbey of St. Andrea al Pozzo - a few kilometers from Castiglion Fiorentino - passed to the Camaldolese order around the middle of the 12th century.
The dedication to St. Andrea - the patron saint of fishermen - is probably due to the fact that in ancient times Valdichiana had many marshy areas, navigable bodies of water rich in fish. A metal manhole remembers the presence of a well in the courtyard located at the back of the church.
In 1810 the church suffered the Napoleonic suppression and passed into private hands who restored it: the interior has a single nave and a single altar - with an inscription commemorating the restoration completed in 1877 - and two side paintings depicting St. Giuseppe and St. Francesco receiving the stigmata.
The façade is made of squared sandstone ashlar masonry arranged in horizontal and parallel courses: both in the façade and on the left flank of the abbey, architectural elements dating from the Romanesque period are also evident.
Above the portal is a small double-arched window decorated with a cross, plant motifs and a relief with human features.

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