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Bardini Garden in Florence
Photo © Stefano Cannas
Photo © Stefano Cannas

Bardini Villa and Garden

Historical Buildings

A green and elegant oasis in the heart of Florence

Villa Bardini, with its wonderful Garden, is located in one of the most spectacular points in Florence. It's home to the Pietro Annigoni Museum and hosts temporary exhibitions and special events.

Originally called Villa Manadora, it was built in the 1600s by the architect Gherardo Silvani: its splendid panoramic position earned it the nickname Villa Belvedere, a building the recalls the Casini di Delizia that were spread throughout Florence between the end of the 1500s and early 1600s, built for the nobility and surrounded by decorative greenery. After belonging to various aristocratic and wealthy families, in 1913 it was bought by Stefano Bardini.

Bardini Garden

Florence seen from the staircase of the Garden
Florence seen from the staircase of the Garden - Credit: Bradley Griffin

The Bardini Garden, which is part of the Boboli Gardens network, extends for around 4 hectares and includes three different areas that once were part of the Villa: the large central Baroque staircase, the English garden to the west and the farming area to the east.

The staircase leads through the terraced garden to the overlook from which visitors can admire all of Florence and, in the spring, the spectacular blossoming of wisteria, not to mention the numerous varieties of iris flowers and the delicate Bengal roses.

Annigoni Museum

The Pietro Annigoni Museum hosts a rich collection of works by the painter and was established to promote one of the most emblematic artists of the Italian 20th century, in the city where he fully matured and developed his talents. On display are his most celebrated early self-portraits, various portraits of his relatives, medals, lithographs, drawings and objects found in his studio after his death.

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