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Tanali Forest

Naturalistic attractions

This protected area is perfect for birdwatching enthusiasts

The Bosco di Tanali (Banali Forest), is located in the hamlet of Caccialupi, in the municipality of Bientina, on the slopes of Monte Pisano, and is a protected area that holds a wealth of important environmental elements. The area includes forests of black alder, reed beds, wetland prairies and bodies of water, and is home to significant plant and animal species.

Tanali was the first of the Region of Tuscany’s Protected Nature Areas of Local Interest. Instituted in 1995, the area extends for more than 170 hectares and corresponds to the lands that were once the marsh bed in Bientina, reclaimed in the mid-1800s. The wetlands, designed through the creation of a basin, is immensely important from a nature point of view.

The plant life is characterized by the presence of a hygrophilous forest of plants that typically need water to thrive. With regards to the many animal species in the area, visitors can admire swallows, robins, blackcaps, chaffinches, grey herons, mallards, common buzzards and the curious European green and great spotted woodpeckers.

Passionate birdwatchers can easily access the area thanks to trails that lead to strategic points in the greenery for observation.

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