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Art Museum for Children in Siena


In the Santa Maria della Scala complex, a space designed for kids

The Art Museum for Children in Siena is unique in Italy: it is located within the museum complex of Santa Maria della Scala, the ancient hospital for pilgrims along the Via Francigena, and offers an ad hoc itinerary to bring kids closer to the world of art.

The museum displays a collection of works dedicated to childhood, ranging from ancient to contemporary art and united based on topics, such as portraiture and fairy tale, ranging from paintings on canvas to sculptures to photographs and installations, with artists such as George Lilanga, Luca Pancrazzi, Patrizio Fracassi, Tito Sarrocchi and Fulvio Corsini.

Children’s Museum of Art in Siena
Children’s Museum of Art in Siena

The collection offers didactic activities designed for familiarizing children with the museum space and artworks, allowing them to have an education and fun experience.

Accessibility information: santamariadellascala.com

Santa Maria della Scala
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