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Lago di Sibolla Nature Reserve

Naturalistic attractions

A small but interesting wetland near Altopascio

The Lago di Sibolla Nature Reserve was created to protect a small but significant wetland: it covers around 60 hectares in the district of Altopascio and represents, from a botanical point of view, one of the most important marshy biotopes in Tuscany.

The area is largely made up of marshland, which is surrounded by both cultivated and uncultivated fields, while the southern part of the basin is wooded.

The Lake of Sibolla, which remains uncontaminated, gives a good idea of how the neighbouring Bientina and Paduli di Fucecchia must have appeared before the land reclamations of the last century. On the banks of the lake you can spot many species of aquatic birds, including a colony of herons.


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