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Le Roste

Naturalistic attractions

In Montieri, a geosite famous for its evocative colored ravines

Near the bridge joining Montieri and Boccheggiano lies a place full of charm called Le Roste, famous for its striking ravines colored a deep red.

This area, one of the most enchanting in the Park of the Metalliferous Hills, eloquently shows how nature and climate can transform the landscape over time. The distinctiveness of this site, in fact, originates from the ancient mining practices of roasting a type of mineral (chalcopyrite) extracted from the old Merse mine containing less than 4 percent copper and iron sulfates, elements that give the soil its characteristic red hue.

This site, in addition to being a fascinating example of how the geology of the area developed, also offers historical insight into the mining traditions of the region and the environmental consequences that resulted.

Le Roste can be reached by car, driving along the road that from Follonica, towards Massa Marittima, arrives to Montieri or SP 441 from Siena towards Massa Marittima. Entrance is free and accessible even for animals. It is possible to visit it with a guide when dedicated events are scheduled.

For further information, please contact the Tourist Office of the Municipality of Montieri.

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