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Municipal Palace of Castiglion Fiorentino

Historical Buildings

Still the political and administrative seat of the town, it preserves a monumental staircase from the 16th century

Palazzo San Michele, the political and administrative center of Castiglion Fiorentino since the 12th century, was rebuilt by the Perugians in 1375-76 and again in 1489.
It was originally called Palazzo del Pietrone because of a large stone, found in the square in front, where notices and ordinances were posted: the building had an exterior staircase and loggia, and the coats of arms of the various podestà were displayed on the façade.

The atrium of the palace houses a monumental staircase with a pietra serena balustrade, dated 1562, on top of which is a statue of Marzocco, the lion symbol of people's power; another Marzocco can be seen on the exterior façade.
Under the balustrade, a stone plaque shows samples of the linear measurements in use in the 16th century, standards to which building materials and quantities of wheat had to conform.
The current configuration of the palace is the result of the renovation by architect Giuseppe Castellucci in 1935. The civic tower, adjacent to the building, has an irregular quadrangular plan and features a medieval workshop door at the front.

It still houses the town hall today.

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