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Sanctuary of the Madonna di Valdibrana in Pistoia

Places of worship

A place of worship founded after a popular miraculous apparition

The Sanctuary of the Madonna di Valdibrana, in the tranquil countryside outside Pistoia, is a popular place of worship for locals. The 17th-century church was built following a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary to a shepherdess, revealing the exact place where a sacred icon was located. Several miracles had been attributed to this icon over time, so the sanctuary was erected in the mid-1600s to commemorate it.

Inside the Neoclassical building, behind the high altar, there is a blessed rock that is much loved by locals, who come here in droves to pray during the month of May.

The church also conserves a panel painting from 1625 of the Annunciation with Two Saints by the local painter Alessio Gimignani.

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