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Sansepolcro Civic Museum


Home of some Piero della Francesca masterpieces

The Civic Museum of Sansepolcro is housed in the medieval Palazzo della Residenza or Palazzo dei Conservatori del Popolo, at the time the seat of the city government.

Sansepolcro is famous for being the birthplace of one of the greatest Italian painters of the fifteenth century: Piero della Francesca, born here in 1412. And the two most important works preserved in the Civic Museum are from the illustrious citizen.

The first one is the Polittico della Misericordia (Polyptych of Mercy, 1445-1462), depicting the Madonna della Misericordia who welcomes under her mantle, as in a large tabernacle, the community of devotees.

In the Sala dei Conservatori of the museum there is the second artwork, a masterpiece considered among the most representative of the artist: La Resurrezione (The Resurrection), the human and spiritual expression of the rebirth of Christ, with the figure of the Savior dominating the scene, strong, solemn. This large fresco, painted between 1450 and 1463 with a mixed technique of tempera and dry painting, has been restored in 2018.
La Resurrezione di Piero della Francesca
La Resurrezione di Piero della Francesca

The same room houses the other two works by Piero della Francesca present in the museum: the San Giuliano - a fresco found in 1954 in the ancient church of Sant'Agostino - and the San Ludovico, another detached fresco, in this case coming from Palazzo Pretorio .

In addition, the museum preserves numerous paintings, including Pontormo's San Quintino and important examples of local painting (XIV-XV centuries), terracottas by Della Robbia, sculptures, engravings, goldsmiths and sacred vestments.

Accessibility information: regione.toscana.it

Museo Civico Sansepolcro
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