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View from the walls
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Sienese Fortress in Massa Marittima

Historical Buildings

A medieval fortress in the heart of the town

The Sienese Fortress is an imposing architectural structure located in the heart of Massa Marittima, built after Siena conquered the city in 1335.
The structure, in full medieval style, served the Sienese to exert tighter control over the newly conquered city and was also a symbol of power and authority.

The architectural importance of the structure lies in its being extremely functional and adapted to the needs of the area of Massa Marittima: the Sienese, in fact, built the Fortress to connect the Monteregio Castle to the existing walls and expanded the structure by building an arch-bridge to join the new walls to the renowned Torre del Candeliere (Candlelight Tower), one of the symbols of the city.
This work of military engineering allowed the city to have a double wall of travertine walls, at the ends of which stand two towers and bastions.

Currently, the area is being used to host cultural events of various kinds, demonstrations, concerts and evocative plays giving new life and meaning to an architectural marvel that was created for political and military objectives.

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