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The Church of St. Biagio in Caldana

Places of worship

The architectural Renaissance in Gavorrano

The Church of San Biagio in Caldana is located in Gavorrano and is one of the clearest examples of Tuscan Renaissance architecture. It has been attributed to Antonio da Sangallo the Elder, one of the leading figures in Italian architecture of that period.

The architectural structure is distinguished by its majestic façade, characterized by a double row of columns divided into two solids: on the upper floor there are eight pilasters topped by Ionic-style capitals, while on the lower floor the pilasters feature Doric capitals, all embellished by an imposing rose window in the center that contributes to a harmonious integration with the surrounding urban context.

When entering the building, you are greeted by a single wide corridor that leads the eye to a fine baptismal font in Portasanta marble and a monstrance containing the relics of St. Biagio, elements that further enrich the interior of the church.

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