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Museo Galileo Florence
Photo © Seth Snyder
Photo © Seth Snyder

The Museo Galileo (Galileo Museum) in Florence


The exhibition dedicated to science revolves around the great astronomer from Pisa

The Museo Galileo in Florence is located in Piazza dei Giudici, in the ancient Palazzo Castellani: one of the most important collections of scientific instruments and experimental apparatuses in the world are kept here.

The exhibition itinerary in fact displays more than a thousand instruments of great scientific importance, but also of exceptional beauty, and centers around the extraordinary figure of Galileo, reconstructing the events of Florence and Tuscany which, under the rule of the Medici and Lorraine families, was not only the unrivalled cradle of the arts, but also the center of excellence in scientific knowledge, as well as the incubator and theater of episodes and discoveries that have profoundly marked the history of modern science.

Instruments from the Medici and Lorraine collections are on display, including some originals that belonged to Galileo, including the two telescopes and the telescope lens through which the scientist from Pisa was able to observe Jupiter's satellites.

The various rooms are also devoted to astronomy and the measurement of time, the representation of the world in ancient times, the science of warfare, precision instruments, and chemistry, among other topics.

The Museo Galileo is also an establishment engaged in research and documentation activities, making available to scholars around the world the considerable resources of its very rich library, which are also accessible through the Internet. Here it is also possible to find facsimiles of all of Leonardo da Vinci's codices.

Information on accessibility at: museogalileo.it

Museo Galileo
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