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Versiliana Park

Naturalistic attractions

An oasis of nature in Marina di Pietrasanta which hosts the historic Festival of culture

The Versiliana Park in Pietrasanta encloses eighty acres of centuries-old forest, whose origins date to the formation of the Versiliana plain and which has reached the present day almost intact.

Belonging to the park is its namesake villa, built in 1886, while the name Versiliana is accredited to the writer Renato Fucini.

Its boulevards, the green arteries of the park, snake among the undergrowth, through areas that are distinguished by the different types of trees. The most represented are olm oaks, stone pines and maritime pines, leaving space here and there for dunes whose continuity is interrupted by spectacular and slender decorative blades of water. Where the oak grove ends, strawberries, English oaks, elms, alders, maples, poplars, ashes and hornbeams grow. Along the riverbed of the Fiumetto and Tonfano phragmites, water hyacinths, sedges and spiked loosestrife thrive. The park is an ideal spot for a stroll through nature, where you can even observe species such as the common moorhen, grey wagtail, kingfishers and coots.

Every summer in the surroundings of the villa, the famous Versiliana Festival takes place, which each year offers a rich calendar of cultural events, from concerts to book presentations to theatrical shows and dance.

Versiliana Festival
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