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Water Museum in Siena


Discover the water system that has brought water into the city since ancient times

The Museo dell'Acqua (Water Museum) was created so that visitors could discover one of the hidden treasures in the history of the Palio city: the system of pipes and fountains that has brought water to Siena since ancient times.  

The museum, opened with the collaboration with the Diana association, is spread over three floors of the building located on top of the Pescaia Fountain and offers a multimedia journey which recounts the history of the pipes and fountains, with film clips, ruins and artefacts from ancient Siena which uncover the links between the city and its underground water system.   

The visit – available on reservation only – includes the Pescaia Fountain and its bottino. The bottini are an underground network of aqueducts which stretch for 25 kilometres and have existed since the time of the Etruscans. Siena actually doesn’t have a river and the water supply came from a system of tunnels where the rain water was collected and deposited into the historic fountains.

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