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Sensory tour among the wines and scents of Tuscany


A sensorial journey to discover the essence of the Vino Nobile of Montepulciano and, of course, Valdichiana Senese

Tuscany usually offers fantastic places, characterized by fascinating hills and unpolluted natural landscapes that tell you their essence through customs, habits and traditions dated back to ancient times but still present and alive today. 

Among these lands, the Valdichiana Senese will offer you a glimpse into the beauty of true and pure Tuscany. Here you can savor the Tuscan taste and the scent of these lands thanks to the experience dedicated to a synaesthesia of taste, smell and sight: you will enjoy a good glass of wine, smell the scent of this liquid and fragrances specially designed to sense the "smell” of Tuscany. You will see with your eyes the difference between various wines and various aromas. 

Let's not forget about the "touch": you can create a skin cream with your own hands in a cosmetics laboratory in Valdichiana. Discover with us what awaits you in this fantastic experience!

The tour will take you to firstly discover a cellar and then a cosmetics laboratory.

Tasting a wine is a unique experience of flavors, colors and smells. Your experience will begin in a winery in the countryside of Montepulciano where you will appreciate the fine Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Rosso di Montepulciano, wines that will transport you on an idyllic and multisensory journey, thanks to an exclusive tasting itinerary focused on the smells and colors of wines and their differences. 

After getting inebriated with this divine nectar, you will move to the second stage of the tour in a local perfume and cosmetics laboratory, where you will learn the secrets of creating fragrances that will make you enjoy the scent of true Tuscany and experience the creation of a natural cream. The tour among the scents of Valdichiana Senese will end with a happy hour based on typical products in the beautiful atmosphere of the laboratory, immersed in the Tuscan hills.

Please note, minimum participants: two people


Prices include

  • Visit a winery producing Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Rosso di Montepulciano
  • Tasting of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and Rosso di Montepulciano wine to discover the scents of wine
  • Visit of a perfume laboratory in Montefollonico and creation of a hand cream
  • Happy hour with wine and typical products of Valdichiana Senese

Supplemental charges

Transfer service. Available on request



Valdichiana Living
P.IVA: 00995040524
Piazza Grande, 7