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Photo © Mattia Marasco
Photo © Mattia Marasco


A miniature far west in the green hills of the Casentino

Chitignano is a small mountain village located along the route that leads to Chiusi della Verna, home to a a popular thermal resort since the Middle Ages thanks to the presence of sulfuric-ferruginous waters, ideal for relieving the fatigue of pilgrims in transit.
Chitignano's position on the border allowed for the development of contraband activity, which was rather typical in this territory, particularly tobacco and gunpowder. It was carried out to such an extent that the Grand Duchy came to recognize the area as a sort of "privileged tax regime", to allow and facilitate these activities. This then changed upon the unification of Italy.

What to see in Chitignano

Chitignano was among the feudal possessions of the Ubertini family. The Castle of the Ubertini Counts dates to the 10th century. Initially owned by the Counts of Chiusi, in 1261 it passed to the Ubertini and the Bishop of Arezzo, Guglielmino Ubertini (who led the Ghibelline army in the battle of Campaldino, who were defeated by the Guelph Florentines; he died on June 11, 1289, due to a blow to the head). Over the centuries, the castle was absorbed into a series of buildings, eventually taking on its current appearance of a seventeenth-century country villa.

Chitignano was among the feudal possessions of the Ubertini family. The Castle of the Ubertini Counts dates to the 10th century. Initially owned by the Counts of Chiusi, in 1261 it passed to the Ubertini and the Bishop of Arezzo, Guglielmino Ubertini (who led the Ghibelline army in the battle of Campaldino, who were defeated by the Guelph Florentines; he died on June 11, 1289, due to a blow to the head). Over the centuries, the castle was absorbed into a series of buildings, eventually taking on its current appearance of a seventeenth-century country villa.


Chitignano is located in Casentino, the highest part of the Arno valley. On one side, there are the mountains of Verna, Camaldoli and Alpe di Catenaia, and on the other, the Pratomagno chain. Chitignano is located in a border area that over the centuries has been known to be the site of contraband activities, in particular, tobacco (of all kinds, shredded, for pipes or to be rolled into cigars) and gunpowder. You can visit the Ecomuseum of gunpowder and smuggling in the hamlet of Panteneto, a documentation center dedicated to the centuries-old production and marketing that took place in authorized powder factories and pilli scattered in the woods. Inside the museum, there are work tools and explanatory panels, while outside there are paths through the woods that retrace the history and places of black powder production, such as the fascintating Polveriera dell'Inferno itinerary.

Since ancient times, the waters of Chitignano have been appreciated for their unique chemical composition and healing properties, as evidenced by the numerous votive bronzes found in the area. Today, the waters flow from three springs near the town: Sorgente del Rio, Sorgente Galastri and Sorgente Buca del Tesoro, the latter of which also has a serviced green area.
In the Middle Ages, the waters were particularly popular with pilgrims who arrived here from the Via Romea Germanica, heading in the direction of Rome.

Chitignano is located in Casentino, the highest part of the Arno valley. On one side, there are the mountains of Verna, Camaldoli and Alpe di Catenaia, and on the other, the Pratomagno chain. Chitignano is located in a border area that over the centuries has been known to be the site of contraband activities, in particular, tobacco (of all kinds, shredded, for pipes or to be rolled into cigars) and gunpowder. You can visit the Ecomuseum of gunpowder and smuggling in the hamlet of Panteneto, a documentation center dedicated to the centuries-old production and marketing that took place in authorized powder factories and pilli scattered in the woods. Inside the museum, there are work tools and explanatory panels, while outside there are paths through the woods that retrace the history and places of black powder production, such as the fascintating Polveriera dell'Inferno itinerary.

Since ancient times, the waters of Chitignano have been appreciated for their unique chemical composition and healing properties, as evidenced by the numerous votive bronzes found in the area. Today, the waters flow from three springs near the town: Sorgente del Rio, Sorgente Galastri and Sorgente Buca del Tesoro, the latter of which also has a serviced green area.
In the Middle Ages, the waters were particularly popular with pilgrims who arrived here from the Via Romea Germanica, heading in the direction of Rome.


The Fiera del Tordo is a historic event that has been held in Chitignano since the early nineteenth century. It takes place on a Sunday in October, and consists of food and craft stands set up in the village, with cultural events and festive moments organized during the day.

The Fiera del Tordo is a historic event that has been held in Chitignano since the early nineteenth century. It takes place on a Sunday in October, and consists of food and craft stands set up in the village, with cultural events and festive moments organized during the day.


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