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A veglia sulle aie di Montespertoli


Farmyards, courtyards and wineries reopen to welcome visitors with events and glasses of wine

From June 12 to July 30, every day, the initiative A veglia sulle aie di Montespertoli (At a wake on the farmyards of Montespertoli) returns.

Seven realities of the area open their farmyards, courtyards and wineries to offer a glass of wine and a taste of excellent chain products, organizing tastings, workshops on agricultural crafts, meetings, walks and activities for children, at reduced prices.

A beating heart that welcomes local residents, tourists and all lovers of good food and Tuscan living. Beauty, hospitality, nature and good food can be found in the farmyards of the participating farms that will revive the ancient tradition of Tuscan wakes, in the farmyards of the farms, to be together, surrounded by nature, around a table and a glass of wine.

Discover the full program.