From May 25 to January 12, 2025, the CARMI - Carrara and Michelangelo Museum will host the exhibition “Romana Marmora. Storie di imperatori, dei e cavatori“ (Romana marmora. Stories of emperors, gods and quarrymen).
The exhibition is dedicated to the Roman quarry of bardiglio marble in Fossacava and its role within the broader and well-known phenomenon of Luni marble extraction.
Starting from the story of Luni settlement, in whose territory the quarries of Carrara were located, the topics of ancient extraction techniques, semifinished products and quarry management will be analyzed, the different uses of bardiglio marble and their spread within the Roman Empire will be shown, besides providing a glimpse into the religiosity of those who frequented the mining basins.
The exhibition path is structured into four sections:
Opening hours: