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Concerto all Villa Medica di Poggio a Caiano

Enchanted Villas and Gardens


The music of the Orchestra of Tuscany in the gardens and halls of the Medici Villas

A program of 14 concerts in 7 Villas between June and July is what the eighth edition of Enchanted Villas and Gardens (Ville e Giardini incantati) has planned, the musical event that sees the ORT - Orchestra of Tuscany as the protagonist in the gardens and halls of Tuscany's Medici Villas.

The Villas of the Medici family - UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2013 - have been for centuries places of choice for the artistic, cultural, spiritual and scientific life of their time. And every summer, with this event, they confirm their role.

The Medici Villa involved in this edition are 7: La Petraia, Poggio a Caiano, Cerreto Guidi, Seravezza, Quarrata, Pratolino Park and the Garden of Villa di Castello.

The program:

  • June 5 - Medici Villa in Poggio a Caiano
    June 6 - Medici Villa in Cerreto Guidi
    June 7 - Medici Villa La Petraia, Florence
    Diego Ceretta director
    Schubert / Ouverture in the Italian Style D 591
    Prokof'ev / Symphony No. 1 Op. 25 Classical
    Mendelssohn / Symphony No. 4 Op. 90 Italian
  • June 8 - Medici Park of Pratolino, Vaglia
    Diego Ceretta director
    Schubert / Ouverture in the Italian Style D 591
    Mendelssohn / Symphony No. 4 Op. 90 Italian
  • June 12 - Medici Villa in Poggio a Caiano
    June 13 - Medici Villa in Cerreto Guidi
    June 14 - Medici Villa La Petraia, Florence
    Kyrian Friedenberg director
    Giulia Baracani flute
    Ibert / Hommage à Mozart
    Mozart / Concert for flute and orchestra K.314
    Mozart / Symphony No. 38 K.504 Prague
  • June 27 - Medici Villa in Poggio a Caiano
    June 28 - Medici Villa La Petraia, Florence
    June 29 - Medici Villa in Cerreto Guidi
    Danila Grassi director
    Andrea Mancini horn
    Mozart / Don Giovanni, ouverture
    Rosetti / Concert for horns and orchestra
    Beethoven / Symphony No. 8 Op. 93
  • July 3 - Medici Villa "La Magia" in Quarrata
    July 8 - Medici Palace of Seravezza
    I misteri di Casanova
    Luci e ombre di un genio irrequieto 
    (The mysteries of Casanova. Lights and shadows of a restless genius)
    Brass and Percussion of ORT
    Eleonora Cappelletti narrator
    Free entrance, upon reservation
  • July 13 - Garden of the Medici Villa di Castello
    Luci e Ombre
    Passeggiando per Vienna
    (Lights and shadows. Walking through Vienna)
    ORT ensemble
    Schubert / Octet in F major, D. 803
  • July 20 - Medici Villa La Petraia, Florence
    Giacomo Bianchi orchestrator and violin
    Flavio Giuliani oboe
    Bach / Concert for Violin, Oboe and Orchestra BWV 1060R
    Vivaldi / The Four Seasons

Musical performances are sometimes enriched by guided tours and/or buffets (for a fee).
See the full calendar, with concert schedule and information on tours and buffets.

Ticket purchase:

  • online
  • box office of Verdi Theater in Florence (from June 10, Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
  • locations of Ticketone network
  • on site if still available