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La Castagna Racconta
Photo © La Castagna Racconta
Photo © La Castagna Racconta

The Chestnut Tells


History, folklore and food and wine in the village of Licciana Nardi in Lunigiana

October is the month dedicated to chestnut, and the culture and traditions related to it.

Among ancient flavors and stories of autumn, since 1999 the Association “La Castagna racconta”, composed of the inhabitants of the village of Licciana Nardi, has been staging a historical, cultural and gastronomic reenactment set in the late 1800s and early 1900s among the squares and alleys of the ancient village.

On the second and third weekend of October (Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 - Saturday 19 and Sunday 20) the village will be animated with music, dancing, singing and with the scents and flavors of typical chestnut dishes: pattone, mondine, cian and local wine.

This event recounts how once upon a time this precious fruit was essential for the survival of the Lunigiana populations in an area where other types of agricultural crops had difficulty taking root. And so to give voice to the traditions of the past linked to the chestnut tree and to celebrate the importance of the “bread tree”, the stages of processing the chestnut, still an evocative fruit of a culture, poor and peasant, but rich in traditions and stories to be handed down, are reproduced in the village.