Palazzo Buontalenti, in Pistoia, hosts the major exhibition of Daniel Buren, one of the most influential names in the international art scene from March 8 to July 27.
The exhibition, titled “DANIEL BUREN. Make, Unmake, Remake. Works in situ and situated works 1968-2025”, invites visitors to discover a selection of pictorial works executed between 1965 and 1967, two Cabane from 1985 and 2000/2019, some high reliefs and recent light works, a room dedicated to design drawings of works made in Tuscany, and works specially created/re-created for Pistoia Musei.
The exhibition focuses on Daniel Buren's connection with Italy and Tuscany, presenting works made in our country, revisited and recreated by the artist, in an ongoing process of Make, Unmake, Remake.
The hallmark of his art is the pattern of alternating white and colored vertical stripes, always 8.7 centimeters wide, from the industrial fabric used since 1965 for his paintings and taken up by the artist after 1967 in works made in urban settings.
Palazzo Buontalenti will be the fulcrum around which the entire exhibition will revolve, the itinerary will then extend to other Pistoia Musei venues, with new specially created works, and will ideally connect to the interventions that Daniel Buren has made in the territory since the 2000s, such as the Three-coloured fountain walls for a hexagon (2005-2011) in the park of Villa La Magia in Quarrata and La Cabane Éclatée aux Quatre Salles (2005) in the Gori Collection - Fattoria di Celle in Pistoia.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a series of side activities.