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Concerto barocco nel Cortile di Palazzo Moronti Ciotta a San Gimignano

Baroque Concerts


The elegance of the ancient notes in the Courtyard of Palace Moronti Ciotta in San Gimignano

Once again this summer, the notes of Monteverdi, Scarlatti, Marcello and many other composers will resonate in the Courtyard of Palace Moronti Ciotta, in the historic center of San Gimignano, thanks to the Baroque Concerts festival. 

A calendar of five events that pays tribute to great vocal and instrumental music, especially Italian, produced at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, performed with copies of original instruments and according to the performance practice of the time.

The artists who will follow each other boast important long-term collaboration and guarantee performance accuracy supported also by musicological studies. 

The concerts will all be held in the month of July, on 3, 15, 18, 24 and 30 at 6 p.m.

The detailed program can be read on the website of Accademia dei Leggieri and on Facebook and Instagram profiles.

Tickets - €12 and €15
Pre-sale at the tourist office Pro Loco of San Gimignano or directly at the box office of the concert starting from an hour before the start of each event.