Panficato Gigliese

A soft, mouthwatering cake with ancient origins
The Panficato del Giglio is a soft, sweet, brown-colored loaf made with figs, walnuts, honey, wine and raisins.
It brings to mind Siena’s spicy “panforte” cake and probably derives from it: in 1544, the pirate Khayr al-Dīn, known as Barbarossa, plundered the Isola del Giglio, killing anyone who opposed him and deporting 700 local men as slaves.
After this tremendous raid, the Medici family decided to repopulate the island of Giglio also with people from the lands of Siena: hence the similarity to the typical Sienese cake.
In the original recipe, instead of using wine, which was too precious, vinella, made from grapes stem that were soaked and left to ferment, was used.
Honey and chocolate were only added by the wealthiest families.
Preparation stages
The figs are placed in wine and left for a whole day; once soaked and soft, they are chopped up and mixed with walnuts (or almonds), raisins, little pieces of cooked apple or other fruit depending on the season, chocolate flakes and also some honey.
Loaves are made from the dough and are then baked in the oven. Preparation takes two days.
The figs are placed in wine and left for a whole day; once soaked and soft, they are chopped up and mixed with walnuts (or almonds), raisins, little pieces of cooked apple or other fruit depending on the season, chocolate flakes and also some honey.
Loaves are made from the dough and are then baked in the oven. Preparation takes two days.
The flavor is unmistakable and goes perfectly with Ansonaco, the typical wine of the Isola del Giglio.
The flavor is unmistakable and goes perfectly with Ansonaco, the typical wine of the Isola del Giglio.