Testaroli from the Lunigiana

A dish from a distant past
Authentic testaroli from the area around Pontremoli and areprepared in large cast-iron dishes placed over the fire. A testarolois prepared by pouring a handful of course salt directly onto the hot cast-iron, followed by a dough of wheat flour, water and salt.
After covering the dish with its cast iron dome, the dough cooks in only a few minutes and becomes a sort of soft and spongy crepe. The testarolo is ready to be cut into small diamond shapes and immersed in boiling salt water (the fire is put out as soon as the water boils).
It is left to rest for two or three minutes, then it is drained and seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, pecorino or parmesan cheese or with a delicate pesto from Liguria.
In shops it is possible to find vacuum-sealed testaroli, which are easy to transport and can be preserved in the freezer. Ready in only a few minutes, testaroli are truly a dish from the distant past which seem perfect for our hasty times.