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007 James Bond in Carrara's marble caves

Films inspired by the majestic Apuan Alps

The Apuan Alps loom over the Tyrrenhian coastline in Versilia. The foothills are lush and green and the snowy mountainous peaks streaked with grey. These mountains are home to the world famous marble quarries, where Michelangelo himself sourced the marble for his fantastic sculptures.

These marble quarries and the winding roads that lead to them were made even more famous by the film '007 Quantum of Solace', staring Daniel Craig and directed by Marc Forster. Some of the films most memorable scenes were shot here, including a car chase in the famous James Bond Aston Martin.

The quarries were also used in Carlo Verdone's comedy 'Al lupo, al lupo'. Young director Fabrizio Cattini filmed his moving and dramatic account of maternal infanticide, 'Maternity Blues. Il bene dal male', in the nearby town of Marina di Massa. The film met with critical acclaim at the Venice Film Festival.

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