Whether you are a history buff, art lover or a foodie in search of authentic flavors, Valdarno offers experiences for all tastes, perfect even on the grayest of days.
Here are five must-do experiences for rainy days in Valdarno, including culture, tradition and taste.
Have you ever imagined the Valdarno area as a savannah or as a land with a tropical climate populated by mammoths and saber-toothed tigers? At the Montevarchi Paleontological Museum, you can take a real leap back in time, admiring fossils and artifacts that tell the very ancient history of this land. Here you will find skeletons of extinct animals and can explore fascinating reconstructions of prehistoric environments. Fun for adults and children curious about what the world was like millions of years ago.Montevarchi Paleontological Museum
The Museum of Terre Nuove is an ideal destination for those wanting to learn more about the history of Valdarno during the Medici era. Located in San Giovanni Valdarno, this museum tells of the strategic importance of this land, connected to Florence not only geographically but also politically and economically. You will discover how the location of Valdarno favored the development and territorial arrangement desired by the Medici. This journey into the past will allow you to see the land from a new perspective.
To be immersed in the industrial history of Valdarno, visit the MINE Museum in Cavriglia. Here you can learn about the area’s mining past by exploring the rooms of the exhibit that tell the story of hard work in the lignite mines and their impact on the landscape and local community. You can also see the tools, documents and first-hand accounts of miners, which render this experience even more immersive. A unique opportunity to understand how mining has shaped the culture and economy of the area.
Valdarno is the birthplace of Masaccio, one of the masters of the Renaissance. The house where he was born in San Giovanni Valdarno hosts temporary exhibitions and is a starting point for an artistic itinerary that includes the Cassero Museum in Montevarchi, with splendid 20ᵗʰ-century sculptures, and the Museum Venturino Venturi in Loro Ciuffenna, dedicated to the artist famous for the Pinocchio monument. In addition, you can admire unique works of art in Valdarno’s churches and historic buildings that testify to the area’s great artistic tradition.
Bad weather is the perfect excuse to indulge in a tasting journey! In Valdarno, stores and markets offer local, 0-mile products such as Zolfini beans, Tarese cured pork, local wines and extra virgin olive oil. In Montevarchi, the under-cover “Il Mercatale” Farmers’ Market is the ideal place to discover and taste these specialties. In addition, many farms offer guided tours with tastings of high-quality wines, beer and olive oils, perfect for discovering the secrets of local production. You can even visit historic olive mills and wineries, where producers will guide you through a unique sensory experience.
Prima di partire, ricorda di controllare gli orari di apertura di musei, mercati e botteghe per organizzare al meglio la tua visita. La pioggia non sarà più un ostacolo, ma un'opportunità per conoscere un Valdarno ancora più affascinante, ricco di storia, cultura e sapori autentici.