When culture meets taste and the food and wine excellence of the territory, it is impossible to resist!
If we then add the mild weather of the first weeks of spring, that's when planning a trip out of town becomes particularly tempting.
5 villages full of charm and art that host as many events related to local traditions. Let's discover together which ones they are!
An ancient village of Etruscan origin, nestled in the beauty of the Tuscan countryside and located on the Via Francigena: San Quirico d'Orcia is one of those places that must be visited at least once.
The harmonious scenery of the hills frames the picturesque historic town center characterized by cobbled streets and stone fountains.
Every year in April the Orcia Wine Festival is back. It is the wine festival that promotes the excellent wine productions of the Val d'Orcia and tells the story of the territory through its food and wine products, history, tradition, landscape, and art.
A typical Chianti village situated among rolling hills and precious vineyards: Radda, from the top of the hillock on which it was built in the Middle Ages, offers an unparalleled view of the surrounding countryside.
The historic center is dominated by what remains of the original castle: Piazza Ferrucci, where the Palazzo del Podestà and the Propositura di San Niccolò, with its neo-Gothic facade, lean on.
In March, at the same time as the Chianti Ultra Trail - a run race event through the vineyards starting right from Radda - Chianti Ultra Wine is held, a food and wine event that offers the chance to visit local wineries and try the Chianti Classico Sensory Trail, an experience that starts at Casa Chianti Classico, an ancient monastery, and continues with a glass of red to discover all the secrets of this wine.
Located in an area of food and wine excellence, San Giovanni d'Asso is a village perched on high ground.
A few kilometers from Montalcino, it is dominated by the ancient Castle of San Giovanni, which houses the Truffle Museum in its evocative basement.
Numerous events are dedicated to the famous tuber throughout the year: in spring, in March, there is the Marzuolo Truffle Festival in which there are tastings in combination with other excellent products and search simulations; in addition, on the days of the festival it is possible to buy fresh truffles and enjoy them both in the stands set up for the occasion and in the town's restaurants.
A village that has its roots in Etruscan times and that preserves, right in the center, an ancient Castle dating back to the year 1000.
Here, too, there is no shortage of food and wine excellence: Lari - which is located in the countryside around Pisa - is home to one of Tuscany's most famous pasta producers, and in spring, since 1957, it has hosted the historic Cherry Festival.
For the occasion, the historic center comes alive with local food and wine producers, cultural and folklore events, and cultural and artistic events.
Each year the coveted Golden Cherry is awarded to those who obtain the best fruit from their cultivation.
One of the jewels of Mugello, also included among the most beautiful villages in Italy according to the official ANCI list, Scarperia boasts a unique medieval history, in fact, in those years, it became the seat of the vicariate and had all the administrative power of Florence.
Testifying to these ancient splendors is the Palazzo dei Vicari, adorned with numerous coats of arms among which are those in terracotta from the Della Robbia workshops.
Every spring the historic center of Scarperia comes alive with the Infiorata, an event in which all the inhabitants of the village take part in creating floral paintings of different sizes.
The paintings remain visible and can be photographed during the day of the event during which you can also attend concerts, artistic and cultural events.
Don't miss a visit to the museum complex of the Palazzo dei Vicari and the Museo dei Ferri Taglienti (Museum of Cutting Knives).