A must-see stop for those visiting Tuscany is undoubtedly Pisa, with its spectacular Piazza dei Miracoli, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The museum route through the Baptistery, the Cathedral, the famous Leaning Tower and the Monumental Cemetery is easy to access thanks to a series of ramps, wide sidewalks and platforms. It will be possible to discover, even through touch, the artistic and architectural beauty of the religious complex in the square.
Piazza dei Miracoli can be reached by car: the large parking lot, close to the square, will make the visit easier, and it’s along the perimeter of the Baptistery and of the Cathedral that the visit can start (the entrance, accessible through a platform, is located on the side of the exit).
From here, through a facilitated connection on the left-hand side of the Church, one arrives at the secondary entrance to the Cemetery (Well Chapel): entrance is by means of a ramp (the slope steeper than 8%) accessible with help.
The Tower of Pisa, renowned as the leaning tower, is not accessible from inside by visitors with impaired physical mobility, but the whole area of Piazza dei Miracoli is, in any case, pleasant and enjoyable.
The Museo dell’Opera del Duomo houses reproductions, models and documents related to the construction stages of the architectural complex, as well as sections devoted to Egyptian, Etruscan and Roman antiquities. The facilitated entrance is to the left of the main entrance, walking down a ramp from the street.
The Museo delle Sinopie is accessible, but entry may be hindered by the clutter of stalls along the square. This museum houses the preparatory drawings for the frescoes of the Monumental Cemetery; these include the famous "Trionfo della morte" (Triumph of Death) by Buffalmacco, the "Crocifissione" (Crucifixion) by Francesco Traini and some works by Benozzo Gozzoli.