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Top autumn dishes in Tuscany

Autumn Flavours: find out here 5 Tuscan dishes (with their recipes)

There are some times of the year, some months or specific season that you can immediatly connect with a special dish, taste or smell. Which are, in your opinion, the dishes in Tuscany that makes you more think about autumn? Or, simply, which Tuscan dish do you prefer eating in autumn? We have collected here some of the best Tuscan dishes for you to try in the season of falling leaves.

  • 1.
    Tagliolini pasta with fresh truffles
  • 2.
    Fagioli all'uccelletto
  • 3.
    Pappardelle pasta with porcini mushroom
  • 4.
    Wild boar stew
  • 5.

Tagliolini pasta with fresh truffles


Autumn is the white truffle season. The best way to enjoy fresh raw truffles is to shave them onto your hot dish (truffle needs only a little heat to release all its flavor). Cooking with truffles is quite easy but you need to follow a few rules. 


Fagioli all'uccelletto

Fagioli all'uccelletto
Fagioli all'uccelletto - Credit: Serena Angelini

The original name of this recipe by Artusi is “Fagioli a guisa d’uccellini” which translates into “beans in the manner of birds”: cooked with sage and light tomato sauce. Find out here the recipe for Fagioli all'uccelletto.


Pappardelle pasta with porcini mushroom


The mushroom production in Tuscany reaches its highest levels in the period between mid-August and mid-October. Find out here an easy-to-make pasta sauce made with fresh Porcini.


Wild boar stew

In Tuscany, the wild boar hunting season runs from October to late January. There are countless Tuscan specialties made with wild boar and you can taste them all at many food festivals (sagre del cinghiale). With pasta or in a stew? Find out here two Tuscan recipes with wild boar.



Castagnaccio - Credit: Flavia Cori

Castagnaccio is a gluten free Tuscan cake made with chestnut flour and flavored with pine nuts, walnuts, raisins and rosemary. A long time ago it was a poor dish made of a less rich mixture (only water, chestnut flour and oil). Today it has become one of Tuscany’s favorite desserts. Find out here the recipe.

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