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Gli innamorati by Giuseppe Ciani
Photo © Comune di Casole d'Elsa
Photo © Comune di Casole d'Elsa

Casole d'Elsa, an open-air museum

A walk to explore artists' works and ateliers

In Casole d’Elsa, the artworks are not only in the Civic Museum and the various ateliers, but can also be found on the streets. At the entrance to the village, you'll be able to admire the installation dedicated to Gino Bartali, ideated by Duccio Santini and created by Luca Ferrini on the occasion of the Giro d'Italia that passed through here in 2019.

Near the centre, you can find various tiles and murals painted by students from local schools under the guidance of Giuseppe Ciani, a Roman painter and sculptor who has been working in the Sienese area for over fifty years and is the creator of the warm Welcome to Casole piece that's visible in the elevator shaft leading to the centre.

  • 1.
    The sculptures in the centre of Casole
  • 2.
    The artists' ateliers

The sculptures in the centre of Casole

A sweet eternal hug by Andrea Roggi
A sweet eternal hug by Andrea Roggi

As soon as you get out of the elevator, as well as enjoying a magnificent view, you will also find 'A sweet eternal embrace', a bronze sculpture by Andrea Roggi that represents an olive tree with two lovers embracing within the trunk. Here, you can also see works by the Colligiano sculptor Nelson Salvestrini, an installation by Giampiero Muzzi, and works by Riccardo Pucci.

Next to the Rocca Senese, there are several marble and bronze sculptures. The first are by the English artist Nigel Konstam, who moved to Casole in the 1980s where he opened his own atelier as well as the Verrocchio Art Center, a school in which budding artists from all over the world take part. The second bronze works are by Giuseppe Ciani, the creator of another famous sculpture that's now a symbol of Casole, the Two Lovers.

The artists' ateliers

Ceramics in Via San Niccolò
Ceramics in Via San Niccolò

The whole centre of Casole is adorned with tiles painted by different artists. These small treasures can be discovered while walking through the streets, without missing a visit to the ateliers. Along the main street, you'll find Martabì's ceramic workshop, as well as Linda Leupold's studio and the iSculpture gallery.

In via San Niccolò, on the other hand, there's Anna Morandi's atelier, who with her husband Mario Mancini brought life to the premises of the old Casole oven. Shortly after, you'll find the study of the sculptor Paolo Morandi, creator of Il Dubbio that was presented by Philippe Daverio. For those who want to study art, all the artists also organize painting lessons for adults and children.

However, art in Casole doesn't end there. Moving towards the surrounding countryside, you can visit the Selva di Sogno (Dream Woods) sculpture park, designed and built by the German artist Deva Manfredo, giving evidence that in Casole d’Elsa, art is an integral part of everyday life!

Link: www.mycasole.it

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