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Fiorentina T-Bone steak
Photo © MrPig
Photo © MrPig

Eating gluten-free in Tuscany

Tuscan recipes for gluten intolerant

More and more people are introducing gluten-free foods to their daily diets. In Tuscany there are several traditional dishes that are naturally gluten-free, and if you want to be sure to avoid gluten contamination I recommend that you to visit the certified locations suggested by Associazione Italiana Celiachia.

Courgette flan with basil sauce and fresh tomatoes by Arturo Dori
Courgette flan with basil sauce and fresh tomatoes by Arturo Dori - Credit: Lara Musa

Among the Tuscan specialties or food products that are naturally gluten-free, you could try:

Chestnut flour cake
Chestnut flour cake

Remember, always inform the restaurant about your special dietary needs. Not all Cecina, Castagnaccio or corn flour soup are good for you. They must be prepared only with certified gluten-free flours (or using gluten-free stock cubes) being careful not to contaminate anything while cooking. Actually, today it is possible to prepare all kinds of dishes from pasta to pappa al pomodoro using suitable flours.

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