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Sunset in Talomone

Fishing time with Paolo Fanciulli in Talamone

Learning about "pescaturismo": a new way to discover Southern Maremma

Pescaturismo comes from two Italian words meaning “fishing” and “tourism”, and when you’re hanging out in the area of Talamone this leads you only to one person: Paolo Fanciulli. This man is the Don Quijote of the sea, world famous for his fight against the illegal fishing (he’s the promoter of a project called “La casa dei pesci”) and this new way of approaching to tourism!

  • 1.
    A typical day of a fisherman
  • 2.
    What is Pescaturismo

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A typical day of a fisherman

The fisherman Paolo Fanciulli presents the Casa dei Pesci
The fisherman Paolo Fanciulli presents the Casa dei Pesci - Credit: Alexandra Gomez

As you get onto his boat you suddenly realize how hard is a typical day of a fisherman: at 6:30 a.m. he’s already full of energies and once you pull on board the first fishes just an hour has passed away! The hooks have been set at down the day before and the net that will give us the biggest amount of fishes later on is set in front of a jaw dropping cliff.

What is Pescaturismo

Pescaturismo basically consist on getting sensitive about the sea issues, getting your hands “dirty” being active on whatever is going on while fishing, and at the same time eat all you have fished during the morning and spending your time socializing with the other people on board while listening to Paolo giving you tips on how to cook or answering to all the questions you have concerning what you’re doing and seeing.

Among all the activities we’ve done in these three unforgettable days, this is hands down the one that impressed me the most, and I’d recommend it to anyone even with kids! Thanx PlayYourTuscany, you made me and all the other players very happy and proud of taking part to this experience!

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