Detective stories, treasure hunts, and virtual books: here is a list of the apps, playlists and websites that will transport you to Tuscany, to the homes of the Etruscans and the Medici, in tow with Pinocchio or historical characters as illustrious as Galileo Galilei.
Mi Rasna: Io Sono Etrusco is a strategy videogame that takes the player on an exploratory journey through ancient Etruscan civilisation. The player is called upon to take charge of one of the twelve important Etruscan cities that made up the so-called Dodecapoli, which included Chiusi, Roselle, Arezzo, Vetulonia, Populonia and Volterra. Mi Rasna was developed by EGA, with the collaboration of parks, archaeological sites and museums, and is freely available on Google Play and App Store.
Beyond Our Lives tells the story of Sergio and Lavina, childhood friends who share a passion for archaeology, particularly where it concerns the ancient Etruscan people. An unforeseeable event turns their lives upside-down and kicks off a breathless treasure-hunt through Volterra, Cortona, Populonia and other Etruscan towns, while finding themselves confronting the mysteries of life and death. The game was developed by TuoMuseo and is available for free on Google Play and App Store.
Time Tales - The Etruscans is an educational adventure game for younger players, who are taken back in time to the height of the Etruscan era. Bewitched by a glittering vase that they find in a museum, the protagonists are catapulted back into the past, and can only return to the present by recovering the vase. Through this game, the youngest gamers can learn something and extend their knowledge of the history that they study at school, while having fun all the while. Developed by EGA, with the scientific advice of ArcheoKids and the Associazione di Promozione Sociale M(u)ovimenti, Time Tales - The Etruscans can be downloaded on Google Play and App Store.
Journey back into ancient Etruria with the audiobook Il Vaso della Concordia, an Etruscan adventure for children aged 5 to 12. The story, divided into six episodes, is available in Italian, English and German.
If you like fairytales, you can relive the adventures of Pinocchio through the Leggere Forte playlist, a project from the Tuscan Region that aims to support school curricula and to enrich the lives of children and teenagers through the sound of stories read aloud (in Italian).
Lastly, science boffins can go to the Galileo Museum website and find a range of entertaining educational tools to help them strengthen their knowledge of certain subjects, such as latitude and longitude, and get to know history's great explorers. They can also turn the pages of a short illustrated book, available in Italian or English, that tells the stories of important historical characters, like Galileo and Duke Pietro Leopoldo.