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Montalcino Diocesan Civic Museum

Museums in Montalcino

Discovering the artistic treasures of Montalcino, among archaeology, the Middle Ages and taste

The village of Montalcino brings to mind endless vineyards creating shapes on the hills of the Val d'Orcia, giving life to the iconic wine. As well as enjoying excellent glasses of Brunello in the historic centre and the nearby surroundings, it's also possible to discover the centuries-old soul of Montalcino, revealed by countless artistic treasures kept in museums.

  • 1.
    Sacred art from the Gothic and Renaissance
  • 2.
    Archaeological evidence
  • 3.
    The Brunello Temple
  • 4.
    Nearby Montalcino

Sacred art from the Gothic and Renaissance


In the historic premises of the former convent of Sant'Agostino, you'll find the Civic and Diocesan Museum, one of the most important museums of medieval and modern art in the province of Siena. The collection can be accessed through one of the cloisters and features numerous styles, offering an interesting overview of Montalcino's artistic production.

Here, you can admire wooden works by Giovanni Pisano, Giovanni d’Agostino and Francesco di Valdambrino, as well as a Crucifix by Giambologna, paintings with gold backgrounds from the Sienese school, vestments and sacred jewellery from the 15th and 16th centuries, and archaic majolica drinking vessels. Among the most valuable pieces preserved in the museum rooms are two illuminated volumes of the Atlantic Bible dating back to the 12th century from the Abbey of Sant'Antimo.
Many of the works on display document the notable influence of Duccio di Buoninsegna, who was preminent in respect to the styles of others such as Simone Martini and the Lorenzetti brothers.

A small Renaissance gem is the Tamagni writing desk, painted inside the historic hospital of Santa Maria della Croce, now the Town Hall. Vincenzo Tamagni was a student of Raphael at the Vatican and frescoed the writing room in the early 16th century. On the walls, it's possible to admire women and men that represent models of virtue, as well as cartouches and inkwells made in trompe l'oeil, a reminder of its function.


Archaeological evidence


The Archaeological Museum set up as a section of the Civic and Diocesan Museum traces the past of the territory through valuable finds from prehistoric times to the Etruscan period. Here, there are amphorae, bowls and furnishings belonging to the Etruscans exhibited, many of which come from the fortified complex of Poggio Civitella and from tombs found in the area, such as the tomb called "Fossa del Tesoro" in Sant'Angelo in Colle and the Buca di Sant 'Antimo.

The Archaeological Park of Poggio Civitella can be considered an addition to the archaeological section of the Montalcino Museums, ideal for delving into the far past, and where you can find the origins of the journey that led to the construction of the fortress and the archaic village.

Museo di Montalcino
Museo di Montalcino

The Brunello Temple

Brunello di Montalcino
Brunello di Montalcino - Credit: Archivio Comuni Ambito Val d'Orcia

Inside the Sant'Agostino complex, it's possible to immerse yourself in the world of the famous Brunello di Montalcino DOCG. The Brunello Temple offers a sensory journey, guiding you in the discovery of this excellent product thanks to projections and sounds, and the help of virtual reality.

The itinerary ranges from the discovery of the territory, to the history of wine, passing through villages and vineyards, telling the stories of those who contributed to making Brunello a world-renowned product, as well as exhibiting artworks inspired by the lands of Montalcino.


Nearby Montalcino

The discovery of Montalcino's treasures continues in its countryside. The monastic pharmacy is visitable at the Abbey of Sant’Antimo: set up inside the treasure room, the pharmacy offers food products made according to the centuries-old herbal knowledge of the monks.

Moving to the village of San Giovanni d’Asso, it's possible to visit the Truffle Museum, an experience that involves all the senses, centreing around the local white truffle.

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