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Fishing rod

Sport fishing in Tuscany

Tuscan regulations governing fishing on regional soil

Amateur sport fishing is possible in Tuscany by carefully following regional regulations.

Sport fishing in Tuscany can be practised within public waters where fish fauna live in its natural state and in designated public or private reservoirs. To be practised after obtaining the amateur fishing license paying the amount due to the regional body.

There are daily catch limitations, which can be checked specifically at this link. The main Tuscan rivers where fishing is allowed are the Arno, the Tiber, the Ombrone, the Reno and the Serchio. The lakes, instead, are the Bilancino basin where fishing is so regulated, the lake Chiusi where the fee is to be paid directly to the municipality, the lake San Casciano where the contribution is to be paid to the region, while for the lake Montepulciano visitors are required to show the permit obtained from the reserve or the municipality and the payment of the concession fee. In addition, there are "protection zones" in certain stretches of the waterways of particular natural value, areas marked by special yellow signs, in which sport fishing is prohibited to protect the fish fauna.

Lake Bilancino
Lake Bilancino - Credit: Bernardo Baluganti

It is not necessary to hold an amateur fishing license for minors under the age of twelve, who must be accompanied by an adult, and for fishing in private ponds, for which a ticket must be paid at the facility.

As for sport and recreational fishing at sea, it is not a real license, but a communication, so it is mandatory to send notification of such exercise to the Mipaaf (Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies), by entering your data here; the certificate of receipt of the communication serves as a title for the activity.

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