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Alexandra Gomez

Top 10 Fish recipes from Tuscany

A collection of 10 famous Tuscan dishes with their recipes

This is simply a post that collects the 10 most famous fish recipes from Tuscany. At the end of the post we also added the most common types of fish you'll find and their names in both english and italian.

Cacciucco from Viareggio
Cacciucco from Viareggio
  1. Cacciucco (Viareggio and Livorno)
  2. Baccalà alla Livornese (Livorno)
  3. Baccalà/Seppie in Zimino 
  4. Triglie alla Livornese (Livorno)
  5. Spaghetti alla Trabaccolara (Versilia)
  6. Spaghetti alle Acciughe (often found in Elba)
  7. Polpo all'Elbana (Elba island)
  8. Sburrita Recipe from Elba
  9. Arselle Sautè (Versilia)
  10. Fake Fish :) 

Tuscany's coast is on the Tyrrhenian sea and it is part of the Mediterranean area.  Here is a list with the most common local seafood that you are likely to find in Tuscany. I thought it would help to have a list with the italian and english name  for your meals in restaurants or in case you decide to buy fish off a boat or at the supermarket. If there is a fish or mollusk you believe might fit in this list, feel free to write a comment here or on Facebook. I have taken the most common and easy to find in a dish or at the supermarket into consideration:

  • triglie - mullet
  • orate - sea bream
  • branzino - seabass
  • scorfano - scorpionfish
  • calamari- squid
  • polpo - octopus
  • vongole - clams
  • cozze - mussels
  • sarde- sardines
  • acciughe - anchovies
  • seppie - cuttlefish
  • gamberi - prawn
  • scampi - langoustines
  • aragoste - spiny lobster
  • sogliole - sole
  • palamita - bonito
  • coda di rospo - monkfish
  • cicale - mantis shrimp
  • gallinella - tub gurnard
  • dentice - red snapper



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