Frank Andiver was born in Lucca in 1970, he lives in Val d'Elsa and works in the field of audio-visual and multimedia. He’s a professional photographer and a sound engineer, but also a video maker, a programmer, a drummer and a composer. His biggest passions are trains and he makes trains’ reportages both in Italy and abroad.
Frank works with many institutions connected to transportation industry. His headquarter is the "Zenith Recordings", its media studio located in the suburbs of Lucca since 1990.
Let's go together to discover Tuscany... on a train!
The passage of the train from Castelnuovo to Piazza al Serchio on the viaduct in Pontecosi.
Frecciabianca Train running from Rome to Genoa passing in the area of Coltano, in the outskirts of Pisa.
One of the steam "nature trains" passing on the Viaduct Montalceto (Siena area).
This pic was taken close to the famous Devil's Bridge during the transit of the regional train Lucca - Aulla the morning after the snowfall that covered the area of Lucca for a couple of days in December 2009. Fun fact, this shot is one of the most successful and important railway photos taken by Frank, since it has been used in the cover of many newspapers and books.
A freight train passes near the tower of Calafuria, just south of Livorno.
A train passes through the surroundings of Pisa at sunset.
Thanks to a short delay on the schedule, Frank was able to capture the Palermo-Turin train near Pisa airport among the sunflowers just bloomed in the fields of Coltano.
This is one of Frank’s favourite photos, not just because of the presence of the snow but also for the colours at sunset. It was taken from the bus stop in Granaiolo on the train line Florence – Siena.