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Extra virgin olive oil
Photo © Credit: © Studiowiki | Ph Davide Busetto | Archivio fotografico Ambito turistico Valdarno Aretino
Photo © Credit: © Studiowiki | Ph Davide Busetto | Archivio fotografico Ambito turistico Valdarno Aretino

Valdarno Aretino: a paradise for lovers of extra virgin olive oil

Modern production methods guarantee a high quality extra virgin olive oil

by  Valdarno

Valdarno Aretino is an unrivalled destination for lovers of good food and wine, but not only: here you can also find excellent extra virgin olive oil. The landscape is characterised by countless olive trees stretching as far as the eye can see, from the slopes of Pratomagno, on the Setteponti, to the suggestive olive oil route that runs through the municipalities of Laterina Pergine Valdarno and Bucine, embracing the wonderful Valdambra.

Unlike other Italian regions, the Valdarno Aretino does not have imposing centuries-old olive trees, but the quality, purity and authenticity of the extra virgin olive oil are preserved thanks to modern and careful production methods.

  • 1.
    Olives and tradition: deep roots in the Valdarno Aretino
  • 2.
    Sensorial experiences: beyond taste in oleotourism
  • 3.
    The Oil Route: a fascinating itinerary through farms and landscapes

Olives and tradition: deep roots in the Valdarno Aretino

The tradition of olive growing in the Valdarno Aretino, whose ancient origins date back to the 18th century, is evident on the hills along the Setteponti road and at the foot of the Chianti mountains. These lands have always hosted the cultivation of olive trees, creating a landscape that is living testimony to centuries of dedication to the art of olive growing. Although the Valdarno Aretino is not known for its centuries-old olive trees, among the varieties present in the area the Olivone di Montebenichi stands out, a specimen included in the list of Trees of Memory, guardian of a history spanning over 300 years. Through laboratory analyses, it emerged that the plant has distinctive morphologies compared to the most common varieties of Tuscan olive trees. A surprising revelation: the patriarch of Valdambra olive trees, exceptional in age and size, appears to be the only known example of a so far unexplored variety.

Sensorial experiences: beyond taste in oleotourism

The Valdarno Aretino therefore offers the ideal setting for those who want to explore the fascinating world of the oleotourism, a phenomenon that is constantly growing. In addition to tasting extra virgin olive oil, visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the cultural roots of the region. Numerous farms, scattered throughout the Valdarno Aretino area, open their doors to guests, offering tasting and guided visits to oil mills, allowing visitors to better appreciate the process of oil production.

The Oil Route: a fascinating itinerary through farms and landscapes

For those who want to fully live the experience of Valdarno Aretino, the Oil Route is an itinerary not to be missed.  This route, which winds through Pergine Valdarno and the Valdambra, allows us to explore not only the production of the extra virgin olive oil but also the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. It’s a journey that involves all the senses, an opportunity to discover the Valdarno Aretino in an authentic way, through his green gold: the extra virgin olive oil.


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